Friday, August 13, 2010


to all swern members , we're gonna gather on 2011 . i know it seems so far away from now , but nadiah , wan and sab has decided to organise a sleepover at wan's hse ! ;DD do come !

wa percinta swern paling dasyat,,,

harini dpt chat ngn wan and nadiah...aahhh happy nye.....hahaha....and then kitaorg buat bet spe boleh update blog ni dulu dia percinta swernn paling i hope i'll be the one...hahaha...jk..jk...kitaorg cinta swern sama ni berhabuk summer holiday almost nnti less time with swern..tomorow...nk chat lgi ngan dorang..but kali ni with all of the swern's member...hahah..i love yu dfm

Thursday, June 17, 2010


Babes,aku boring gler ah...cuti2 ade org kawin plak...dh la aku x de kne mengena ngn diorang tu...siap nk invite aku...aku dh boring citer psl STPM..sbb everytime aku ckp,aku mesti cter psl ke'boring'an STPM...anyway,IMYGSDFM!!!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

No Thing

Assalamualaikum wbt..

we're quite slow in using blog..thats why no new connect wit us..join us on facebook,myspace etc..become a fan of us in Fesbuk, what do u think of the new template..gimme ur feedback..klau x ok,just tell me..bleh tukar...bye2..


Friday, March 5, 2010

27th of March...

hey guys,
just wanna tell u all something,sab is goin on this 27th we plan to throw a party or whatever for the last time since she's in Malaysia..any suggestion?